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What’s going on

Sweet Designs

In 2023, KaDeWe asked me to pick up the thread for their own line of food products. I am pleased to report that I have successfully introduced a diverse range of products to the store – with many more exciting additions on the horizon!

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What’s going on

Sweet Designs

In 2023, KaDeWe asked me to pick up the thread for their own line of food products. I am pleased to report that I have successfully introduced a diverse range of products to the store – with many more exciting additions on the horizon!

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About me

I am a freelance graphic designer, working in print and digital media. I create magazines, catalogs and websites, support projects as a collaborative graphic designer, create final artworks, do image editing, pre-press and quality control at the printer for any kind of print project. Pantone, HKS, ICC-profiles, Proofs, PDF export, print effects, cut outs, color management – easy! Nice to meet you! Read more or see all my work.

Latest Work

Editorial Design

Stuttgarter Zeitung Magazin

Happy 5th Birthday StZ Magazin!

Corporate Communicaton


Ice Cream & Christmas 2024 catalogs

Corporate Communicaton

Corporate Collection

Illustrations for KuLa Funding

Editorial Design

The KaDeWe Group

The Key To Magic 2023

Corporate Communicaton

KaDeWe Brands

Sweet, savory and liquid designs

Web Design

KuLa Funding Website

Austrian funding consultants

Corporate Communicaton

KaDeWe Point of Sale

Celebration Days & more

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